
Found 47 results
Curtis JA, Borders JC, Dakin AE, Troche MS.  2024.  Auditory-Perceptual Assessments of Cough: Characterizing Rater Reliability and the Effects of a Standardized Training Protocol. Folia Phoniatr Logop. 76
Perry SE, Troche M, Huber JE, Curtis J, Kiefer B, Sevitz J, Dennard Q, Borders J, Browy JRiver, Dakin A et al..  2024.  Behavioral Management of Respiratory/Phonatory dysfunction for dysarthria associated with neurodegenerative disease: a systematic review. 33(2)
Curtis JA, L Gray T, Arrese L, Borders JC, Starmer H.  2024.  Characterizing the Validity of Using VASES to Derive DIGEST-FEES Grades. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica: Official Organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP).
Curtis JA, Mocchetti V, Rameau A.  2024.  Concurrent Validity of a Low‐Cost Manometer for Objective Assessments of Respiratory Muscle Strength. The Laryngoscope. 134(4)
Doruk C, Curtis JA, Dakin AE, Troche MS.  2024.  Cough and swallowing therapy and their effects on vocal fold bowing and laryngeal lesions. The Laryngoscope. 134(3)
Curtis JA, Rameau A, Mocchetti V.  2024.  Effects of Puree Type and Color on Ratings of Pharyngeal Residue, Penetration, and Aspiration during FEES: A Prospective Study of 37 Dysphagic Outpatient Adults. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica.
Curtis JA.  2024.  Endoscopic biofeedback training for cough and swallowing: the what, why, and how. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.
Curtis JA, Mocchetti V, Rameau A.  2024.  In Response to Concurrent Validity of the IOPI and Tongueometer Orofacial Strength Measurement Devices. The Laryngoscope. 134 (1)
Perry SE, Troche MS, Huber JE, Curtis JA, Kiefer BR, Sevitz JS, Dennard Q, Borders JC, Browy JRiver, Dakin AE et al..  2024.  Neurodegenerative dysarthria: Respiratory/phonatory - Dataset for Perry et al., 2024.
Kervin SR, Harris KJ, Urbano M, Curtis JA.  2024.  The Relationship Between Speech-Language Pathologists' Perceptions of Clinical Terminology and Its Use in Voice Therapy with Adults.
Curtis JA, Borders JC, Kiefer B, Alcalay RN, Huber JE, Troche MS.  2024.  Respiratory–Swallow Coordination and Its Relationship With Pharyngeal Residue, Penetration, and Aspiration in People With Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 67
Curtis JA, Diaz C, Lee T, Rameau A.  2024.   Validation of a Low‐Cost Manometer to Assess of Tongue, Lip, Cheek, and Respiratory Strength: A Laboratory‐Based Study. The Laryngoscope.
Palte I, Stewart S, Rives H, Curtis JA, Enver N, Tritter A, Andreadis K, Mocchetti V, Schnoll‐Sussman F, Soumekh A et al..  2024.  Virtual Reality for Pain Management During High‐Resolution Manometry: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Laryngoscope. 134(3)
Curtis JA, Borders JC, Dakin AE, Troche MS.  2023.  Auditory-Perceptual Assessments of Cough: Characterizing Rater Reliability and the Effects of a Standardized Training Protocol. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica.
Curtis JA, Mocchetti V, Rameau A.  2023.  Concurrent Validity of a Low-Cost Manometer for Objective Assessments of Respiratory Muscle Strength. The Laryngoscope.
Curtis JA.  2023.  Concurrent Validity of the IOPI and Tongueometer Orofacial Strength Measurement Devices. The Laryngoscope.
Doruk C, Curtis JA, Dakin AE, Troche MS.  2023.  Cough and Swallowing Therapy and Their Effects on Vocal Fold Bowing and Laryngeal Lesions. The Laryngoscope.
Lott DG, Rosow CHKang, Curtis JA, O'Rourke A, Postma GN.  2023.  The Diagnosis of Muscle Tension Dysphagia. Bulletin; American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery .
Curtis JA.  2023.  Normative Reference Values for FEES and VASES: Preliminary Data From 39 Nondysphagic, Community-Dwelling Adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 66(7)
Borders JC, Sevitz JS, Curtis JA, Vanegas-Arroyave N, Troche MS.  2023.  Quantifying Impairments in Swallowing Safety and Efficiency in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Parkinson’s Disease. Dysphagia.
Palte I, Stewart S, Rives H, Curtis JA, Enver N, Tritter A, Andreadis K, Mocchetti V, Schnoll-Sussman F, Soumekh A et al..  2023.  Virtual Reality for Pain Management During High-Resolution Manometry: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Laryngoscope.