The mission of the AIR Lab is to improve the health and quality of life of patients and caregivers with voice, cough, and swallowing disorders through clinical innovation, scientific discovery, multidisciplinary collaborations, and educational outreach. Our research aims to: (1) identify sensorimotor mechanisms of voice, cough, and swallowing function in healthy adults and across a range of diverse patient populations; and (2) to develop robust and impactful methods to evaluate and treat voice, cough, and swallowing disorders.
Through clinical innovation and scientific discovery, we unlock the door to a healthier future, where every challenge becomes an opportunity to improve health outcomes and enhance lives with compassion and excellence.
Our Team

AIR welcomes motivated and collaborative speech-language pathology clinicians, researchers, and trainees and fosters an interdisciplinary approach in its attempts to translate fundamental scientific discoveries into clinical innovations for people with voice, cough, and swallowing disorders.
Our Research

AIR employs a wide range of evaluation techniques in its investigation of normal and disordered voice, cough, and swallowing function and in its development of novel therapeutic interventions. Such techniques include flexible endoscopic evaluations of swallowing, laryngeal videostroboscopy, videofluoroscopic swallow studies, high resolution pharyngeal and esophageal manometry, surface electromyography, laryngeal electroglottography, respiratory inductive plethysmography, and computerized acoustic and aerodynamic analyses.